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This Week Torah Portion


Parshat Tezaveh & Parshat Zachor

Weekly Quote:
Speech can build worlds (by being positive) or destroy worlds (by being negative). What will yours be?

This week’s Parsha describes in detail the various clothing that the kohanim (priests) would need to wear when they perform their service in the Mishkan (Tabernacle).
The Talmud says (Zevachim 88b): “Just like the sacrifices brought atonement, so too, the Priestly garments. The Robe (that which the High Priest wore), atones for evil speech, (slander/gossip) … Rabbi Chanina explains: Let something that emits sound (through the bells on the bottom of the robe), atone for sound.”

There were 72 bells (made of gold) and 72 pomegranates (woven by wool), hanging along the hem of the Robe, alternating with one another. The bell had a clapper and would make a noise as the High Priest walked, while the pomegranate was hollow.
You may ask, Lashon Harah (gossip) is by speech which makes a noise, but why the pomegranates? They are silent. How is that connected to atone for evil speech?

In general Lashon Harah is done through speech. We say negative things about others. But we can also allude to Lashon Harah indirectly. For example, someone says something nice about someone, and you respond by using some facial expression about it. Like rolling your eyes or wincing. You didn’t say anything, but the message was clear.
We are in very turbulent times. A lot of unrest in Israel, violence and antisemitism here in the USA, what we need to do is, to go above and beyond to be nice to one another. ONLY say positive things about each other. And if someone does say something negative, stop them in their tracks, and say – “We may be far from perfect, but we are all children of Hashem.” And there is nothing greater for a parent than to hear GOOD things about their children.

Common excuses for speaking Lashon Harah: (from the book “Guard Your Tongue” by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin)

  • “But it’s true.”
  • “We both did this, or I did the same thing.”
  • “Everybody knows it.”
  • “I was only joking or, he won’t mind we’re close friends.”

Make sure you are the one who always has something positive to say!

May you and your whole family have a safe & healthy winter!
Shabbat Shalom!